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Database Management
Database Management provides an interface from a web site into business or company related data.
It can enhance work flow and customer service by providing visitors to your web site, an access to real-time customer information, account information, sales history, shipment tracking, and more.
We can integrate your web site with existing sales and inventory databases. Before embarking on any database project, our in-house experts will analyze your long and short term project goals and related security issues.
A properly integrated database application can turn a web site into a powerful business tool.
We develop database-driven web features for:
:: Project Management
:: Resource catalogs and libraries
:: Online product ordering catalogs
:: Event scheduling utilities
:: Commercial storefronts
:: Statistical tools for steering online commerce sites
:- Technical Points
We undertake database Design/Integration/Conversion on the following databases.
:: Access
:: MySQL
:: Oracle
It can enhance work flow and customer service by providing visitors to your web site, an access to real-time customer information, account information, sales history, shipment tracking, and more.
We can integrate your web site with existing sales and inventory databases. Before embarking on any database project, our in-house experts will analyze your long and short term project goals and related security issues.
A properly integrated database application can turn a web site into a powerful business tool.
We develop database-driven web features for:
:: Project Management
:: Resource catalogs and libraries
:: Online product ordering catalogs
:: Event scheduling utilities
:: Commercial storefronts
:: Statistical tools for steering online commerce sites
:- Technical Points
We undertake database Design/Integration/Conversion on the following databases.
:: Access
:: MySQL
:: Oracle